Dinner Party: Chicken Sausage and Corn Chutney Tacos

San Francisco chicken tamale Mexican food advertising

San Francisco Chicken Tamale | Vintagepostcards.org

Mexican food has come a long way in America since the early 1900’s. No longer are we canning tamales or referring to Taco Bell as the ultimate ethnic experience. Since my dinner party will be Mexican/Spanish/Hispanic themed or inspired, I’ve decided to make my guests another appetizer that’s a little more familiar but with a “gourmet” twist: chicken sausage and corn chutney taquitos.

Here’s what you’ll need: 

2-3 links Jalapeno sausage
1/8 cup Valentina hot sauce
3 tbs orange marmalade
1/2 cup Mexican style corn
1/8 cup chopped Nopalitos
3 small flour tortillas
3 tbs shredded munster cheese
3 cups vegetable oil for frying
optional:  orange peel and lime zest for garnishing


1. Dice chicken sausage and brown. Move to paper towel to dry off excess oil. Set aside.
(My sausage browned a little more than I planned. It all worked out fine, but you might want yours a little less burnt!)

2. Mix corn, Valentina hot sauce, orange marmalade and rough chopped nopalitos.

3. Add sausage and cheese to corn mixture. Allow flavors to bind.

4. Cut tortillas in half. Roll into a cone shape and secure inside “flap” with tooth pick. (I used a snow cone cup to help shape mine.)

5. Lightly fry tortilla cones using tongs to ensure center doesn’t over puff.

6. Dry on plate lined with paper towel.

7. Carefully fill the crispy tortilla cones with the mixture and top with an orange peel. I added a drizzle of the Valentina and lime zest for added pzazz!

If your guests like the heat, put out a bit of the Valentina sauce for dipping! It’s a great, tangy sauce that’s used in the Southwest  for similar hand and street foods. You might even find yourself using it in other recipes where you want a zing but not quite the heat of a chile. So put down the fork and knife, and grab a napkin, you’re having Mexican street food… with a twist!

Happy eating!