And I’m Back!

Well it’s been a while, folks!

The end of the school year came, was hectic and now it’s gone. But, very soon, came internship and summer duties. I’ve had so many yummy meals and ideas but the camera I would use belonged to my school. Since its summer, it’s a lot harder to check it out and take amazing photos for you all.

But today, the urge was too strong and thus, here I am! I figure you all want recipes and stories and (yes, of course) photos but can understand that I’m a broke college kid who doesn’t always have amazing tools at hand.  And I thank you all for that! Thank you for coming to my blog, seeing the things I cook with that rock ‘n roll flair and hopefully, trying them yourselves!

So from now on you might be lucky enough to see some good photos, but more than likely, it’ll be cell phone pics!

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