Cherries at Walmart?

Finding cute vintage-looking stuff isn’t the easiest, especially not at a good price. But lo and behold, I found this adorable, black patent with red trim and cherry print hand bang at Walmart, of all places. As I was walking through the purse isle I was stopped by a black blob in my peripheral vision. Since this wasn’t too long ago, Wally World had already begun putting out pastel spring items. So seeing something dark and black was rather unusual at the time. I turned around and instantly noticed black and red. Two colors that go so well together and are pretty prominent in the Rockabilly style. The second thing I noticed was the cherry print. Just about everyone associates it with vintage styling.

I didn’t really care how much it cost. It was at Walmart so I knew it couldn’t be that pricey, and I hadn’t purchased any nice handbags in a while. But the best part of all… the bag was only $8! A great bag and an even better bargin! I thought it was my lucky day.

So here’s the link to the page on the Walmart site if any of you would like to indulge in this awesome find. I won’t be greedy with this one 😉

Walmart Cherries Satchel

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